22 Aug 2011

Heechul to Army!

Super Junior’s Heechul to Enlist in the Army on September 1st!



Heechul Doesn't Want to Have any Noisy Event.






A member of Super Junior, Heechul, will join the army on September 1st.


Heechul will enter the army training center in Nonsan, Choongnam to receive basic military training for four weeks then he will be serving as a public service worker for 23 months afterwards.


Much interest of domestic and foreign media and fans has been focused on Heechul who has been gaining global popularity as a member of Super Junior. However, any official event will not be held for Heechul on the day of his enlistment since he doesn’t want to have any noisy event.


Also, as Heechul has been performing with Super Junior’s 5th album ‘Mr. Simple’ and  working as a TV show host for ‘MBC Gold Fishery-Radio Star,’ ‘KBS Declaration of Freedom Saturday-Secret,’ etc. he has been much loved. Therefore, he is scheduled to continue working before joining the army.


Meanwhile, Super Junior will release the B version of the 5th album ‘Mr. Simple’ which includes new song, ‘SUPERMAN,’ on August 22nd (for today) and continue performing with the 5th album title song, ‘Mr. Simple’ and ‘SUPERMAN.’






Takže vážení, Heenim nám nastupuje 1. září do armády.

S tím, že 4 týdny bude ve výcvikovém táboře a dostane se mu základního vojenského výcviku.

Poté poputuje na dva roky do veřejné služby. (23 měsíců - protože 4 týdny už bude mít za sebou)

Pokud chcete ještě něco přeložit, tak dejte vědět, ale myslím, že všechno ostatní, co je psáno, každý ví.









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